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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Best Footprints based in GSA Search Engine Ranker

In this post i am introduced some  Best Footprints GSA Searches you just type these Queries

"Powered by 4images" "Post comment"
"Powered by 4images" "Kommentar posten"
"Powered by 4images" "Agregar comentario"
"Template by Cameraland"
"Template * Bali Web Design"

[Advanced Guestbook] footprints

"Powered by Advanced Guestbook"
"AGCode is ON" "Smilies are ON"

[ArticleBeach] footprints

"upload your articles and keep updated about new articles."
"Would You like us to send you a daily digest about new articles every day"
"Website Design and Developed by ArticleBeach"
"Your one-stop source for free articles. Do you need contents to add to your web site?"
"Articles with any spelling or grammar errors will be deleted"
"upload your articles and keep updated about new articles."

[Article Dashboard] footprints:

"By publishing information packed articles, you?ll soon enjoy"
"Author Terms of Service" "Publisher Terms of Service" "Disclaimer" "We reserve the right to include advertising on pages with your articles"
"Submit Articles" "Member Login" "Most Popular Articles" "Article RSS Feeds"
"Powered by Article Dashboard"
"There are now * Excellent Articles in our Database from * Authors"
"Use the articles in our directory on your website to provide your visitors"

[Article Friendly] footprints

"Submit Articles" inurl:"submitart.php"
"Powered By: Article Friendly" "total articles"
"Submit Articles" "If you do not have an account yet, you may register here."
"Submit Articles" "Total Articles" "Total Authors" "Total Downloads"
"Use the articles in our directory on your website to provide your visitors"
inurl:submitguide.php "submit articles"

 [ArticleMS] footprints

 "Powered by ArticleMS" "Submit Article" "Main Menu" "Latest Articles"
 "Powered by ArticleMS from ArticleTrader.com"
 "You do not have permission to comment. If you log in, you may be able to comment"
 "Publish your article in RSS format for other websites to syndicate"

 [ClipBucket] footprints

 inurl:index.php " * Being Watched * Most Viewed * Recently Added"
 inurl:signup intitle:video "Our website is the home for video online"
 "Embed videos from different website using their video embed code, simply enter embed code, enter video duration and select its thumb, fill in the required details and click on upload."
 "Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials without permission unless they consist entirely of content you created yourself."

 [ClipShare] footprints

 "You can make a private videos list and share them only with your favorite friends!"
 "Show off your favorite videos to the world."
 "Powered By ClipShare"|"Powered By Clip-Share.Com"

 [Coppermine Photo Gallery] footprints

 "Add your comment" "Coppermine Photo Gallery"
 "Rate this file" "Coppermine Photo Gallery"
 "ChaoticSoul WP Design by Bryan Veloso" "Rate this file"
 "Bridge by mehdiplugins.com" "Rate this file"
 "Coppermine Themes by SiteGround web hosting" "Rate this file"

 [DatsoGallery] footprints

 "Next Image" "SlideShow:" "Comment added on:" "Your Comment"
 "Next Image"+"SlideShow:"+"Comment added on:"+"Your Comment"
 "DatsoGallery By Andrey Datso" "Your Comment"

 [Dolphin] footprints

 "All Blogs" "All Posts" "Top Posts" "Popular Posts"
 "Hello, Guest! Join Login" blogs
 "General Info" Description "rate profile" "Profile Comments"
 "Powered by Dolphin"
 "Hello, Guest!" "Powered by Dolphin"
 "Free Community Software. from BoonEx"
 "Blogs Home" "All Blogs" "All Posts" "Top Posts" "Popular Posts" "Featured Posts" Tags Calendar Search

 [Easybook Reloaded] footprints

 "Easybook Reloaded by Kubik-Rubik.de"
 "Entrada en el libro de visitas" "Firmar el libro de visitas" "5 - Mejor evaluaci?n, 1 - Peor evaluaci?n"
 "IP address" "Website rating" "Sign guestbook" "Guestbook entry" "Spam Check"
 "Evaluation du site" "5 - Bonne note, 1 - Mauvaise note" "Signer le livre d'or"
 "Eintrag hinzuf?gen" "Webseitenbewertung" "5 - Beste Bewertung, 1 - Schlechteste Bewertung"|inurl:"option=com_easybook"
add keyword to search=2

[EasyLink] footprints

"Engine powered by easyLink"
"Tragen Sie in das obere Feld die URL der Website ein, die in unseren Webkatalog aufgenommen werden soll"
"Falls vorhanden, werden die Metatags Ihrer Website anschlie?end automatisch in das n?chste Formular ?bernommen"
"Ihre Linkanmeldung wird dann zun?chst von uns ?berpr?ft und anschlie?end f?r den Katalog freigeschaltet."

[Elgg] footprints

inurl:register.php "powered by elgg"
"Powered by Elgg, the leading open source social networking platform"
"Latest bookmarks" "Powered by Elgg"
"New Elgg site"
"Example of information in the left hand pane" "Powered by Elgg"
"Powered by Elgg" "Latest blog posts"
"Powered by Elgg" inurl:account/register.php
"Seashells Elgg Theme"
"Free Elgg Theme by SocialWeb"
"Free Elgg Theme by"
"Free Elgg Theme by Juipo"

[eSyndiCat Directory] footprints

"Powered by eSyndiCat Directory Software"
"New Listings" "Top Listings" "Popular Listings" "Suggest Listing" "Suggest Category"
"Suggest Link" "Listing URL" "Reciprocal URL"

[ExpressionEngine Forums] footprints

"Powered by ExpressionEngine"
"This page is only accessible to logged-in users with proper access privileges"
"ExpressionEngine Discussion Forum - version"
"The most visitors ever was" "Post Marker Legend"
"If you leave this field blank, your screen name will be the same as your username"
"This page is only accessible to logged-in users with proper access privileges"
"Template Design By Sonnenvogel.com"

[Fake UserAgent] footprints

"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT" "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT"|"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible" "Mozilla/4.0"
AppleWebKit Gecko "Windows NT 6.0"
Chrome "Firefox/12.0" WOW64
"Mobile Access" "Following are Access Logs that include"
"Last 20 Visitors" "Mozilla"

[Fast Indexer] footprints

"Powered by Seo Stats"
"Domain Age" "Yahoo Indexed Pages" "Alexa Backlinks"
Buzzmystat.com "Website Value"
"Google Indexed Pages" "WHOIS INFO"
"Domain Tools and Websiteoutlook Clone" "Website Design and Programing By: EziScript.com"
"Page Rank" "server ip" "Site Details" Alexa
"Install Smart Analytics360 Widget on Web pages"
"SEO Stats and Site Analysis"

[FFA (Free for All) sites] footprints

"Web Site Title" "Web Site URL" "Email Address" "Section to be placed in:"
"Your web site's title" "Your web site's URL" "Your email address" "Section to be placed in:"
"click here to add yours!" FFA
"click here to add yours!" "free for all"
"This ffa script is provided by"

[FluxBB Forum] footprints

"powered by fluxbb"
"Hosted by PunBB-Hosting"
"Newest registered user" "Registered users online" "Registered users today"
"Total number of registered users" "Newest registered user" "User list"
"Choose in which forum you would like to search"
"Find and sort users" "User search" "User list"

[Freeglobes Direcory] footprints

"Powered by freeglobes" inurl:"members/index.php"
"Propuls? par freeglobes" inurl:"members/index.php"
freeglobes inurl:"nouveautes.html"

[General Blog Comment] footprints

"Powered by !JoomlaComment"
"Post a Comment" "Enter Word Verification in box below"
"Leave a Reply" Website
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"Leave a comment" Website
"Write a Comment" Website
"Add a comment" Website
"Add comment" Website
"Powered by s9y" "add comment"
"Powered by Lifetype" "add comment"
"Allow users to contact you through a message form" "leave a comment"
"Powered by Movable Type" "You may use HTML tags for style"
"powered by pMachine" "Notify me when someone replies to this post"
"powered by Serendipity" "Remember Information?"
"Powered by s9y" "Remember Information?"
"powered by lifetype" -"powered by wordpress" "personal page (if any)"
"powered by flatpress" "Fill out the form below to add" -eliminate -abuses
"powered by dotclear" "HTML code is displayed as text"
"powered by habari" "Add to the Discussion"
"powered by croogo" "Add New comment"
"powered by bloog" "Lascia un Commento"
"The content of this field is kept private" "Switch to plain text editor" -inurl:register
"powered by byteflow" "You can use Markdown here"
"powered by boastmachine" inurl:blog inurl:id -inurl:profile
"powered by Mephisto" "a response" -"are closed for" Email Address Website
"Powered by BlogEngine"
"B?r? pairan" "Can aya pairan."
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"Dejar un comentario" "Sin comentarios."
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"Jina:" "Barua (hazitochapishwa)" "Saiti" "(lazima)"
"Komentiraj" "Nijedan komentar do sada."
"Lacak balik" "Ninggalne pangalembono"
"Lacak balik" "Tinggalkan komentar"
"Lascia un commento"
"Lascia un commento" "Non c?? ancora nessun commento."
"Leave a comment" "No comments yet."
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"Muallif:" "Mail (will not be published)" "Veb-sayt" "(shart)"
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"Muhokamada qatnashing" "Muhokama qilinmagan."
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"Nama:" "Surat (tidak akan dipublikasikan)" "Situs web" "(wajib)"
"Ngaran:" "Serat-? (moal diuar-uar)" "Situs w?b" "(wajib)"
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"N?lnodiad" "Rho sylw"
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"Raratmalik" "B?r? pairan"
"Respurado" "Komenti"
"Rho sylw" "Dim sylwadau hyd yma."
"Skriv en kommentar"
"Skriv en kommentar" "Endnu ingen kommentarer."
"Tagasisideviide" "Lisa kommentaar"
"Tinggalkan komen" "Tiada komen."
"Tinggalkan komentar" "Belum ada komentar."
"Toa maoni" "Bado hakuna maoni"
"Trakinyuma" "Toa maoni"
"Powered by LifeType" "Add comment" "Your personal"
"Nucleus CMS" "Add Comment" "HTTP" "Remember Me"
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"comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment"
"You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site."
"Hinterlasse eine Antwort"
"add new comment" "what is the first word in the phrase"
"Powered by Drupal" "add new comment"
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"Comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment"
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"Benachrichtige mich ?ber nachfolgende Kommentare"
site:.edu -"You must be logged in to post a comment" "Powered by WordPress" "Leave a Reply"
site:.edu -"You must be logged in to post a comment" "Powered by WordPress" "Add your comment"
site:.edu -"You must be logged in to post a comment" "Powered by WordPress" "You may use these HTML tags and attributes"
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"Zanechat koment%C3%A1%C5%99" "URL internetov? str?nky"
"Powered by subtext"
"Your comment" "HTML is OFF" "BBCode is ON" "Smilies are ON"

[GetBoo Social Bookmark] footprints

"Please visit GetBoo's wiki for more information about the project."
"stored on GetBoo"
"Get your bookmarks!" getboo
"Keep all your bookmarks in one place, accessible from anywhere."
"Share some of your bookmarks with the world, and keep"

[Guestbook] footprints

"Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright"
inurl:guestbook/index.php|"Administration" "Sign the Guestbook" "Next Page" "Advanced Guestbook"

[HubDir PHP directory ] footprints

"Please choose an appropriate and relevant category for your website." "Submit Link"
Directory "Most Recent" "Most Popular" "Submit Link" "Pages"
"This is an example text only meant as a placeholder. Please replace it with the submission guidelines that you wish to run your directory by."
"Please replace it with information text about the directory and any terms on submission (note: not guidelines in this text)."

[IndexScript Directory] footprints

"powered by IndexScript"
"click on the Add URL link on that page in order to add your URL"
"RSS Feed for Latest Additions" "Google Site Map"
"skinned by IndexSkins"

[INDEXU Directory] footprints

"Powered by INDEXU"
"Powered by INDEXU Deluxe"
Home "New Listings" "Hot Listings" "Top Rated" "Editor Pick" "Add a Listing" "Update a Listing" "Get Rated" "Upgrade a Listing"
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[KeywordLuv Blog Comment] footprints

"This site uses KeywordLuv."
"Enter YourName@YourKeywords in the Name field to take advantage"
"Incoming Search terms" KeywordLuv
"Incoming search terms for the article" KeywordLuv

[Link Bid Script Directory] footprints

"Powered by Directory software by LBS"
"Submit Listing" "Brief description of your site that will be shown on the category listings, alphabetic list, new listings, and top listings pages."
"Template by Directory Promotion Network"
"Template by Webmaster Forum"
"Template by Ozami Internet Directory"

[MediaWiki] footprints

"Deze pagina is het laatst bewerkt op" "Deze pagina is" "Aanmelden / registreren"
"Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am" "Diese Seite wurde bisher" "Anmelden / Benutzerkonto erstellen"
"This page was last modified on" "wiki"
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inurl:"Especial:Entrar" wiki
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inurl:"Istimewa:Masuk_log" wiki
inurl:"Pengguna:" wiki
inurl:"Sp%C3%A9cial:Connexion" wiki
inurl:"Speci%C3%A1lis:Bel%C3%A9p%C3%A9s" wiki
inurl:"Speci%C3%A1ln%C3%AD:P%C5%99ihl%C3%A1sit" wiki
inurl:"Speciaal:Aanmelden" wiki
inurl:"Special:Inloggning" wiki
/wiki/index.php?title wiki
inurl:"Speciale:Entra" wiki
inurl:"Speciel:Log_p%C3%A5" wiki
inurl:"Specjalna:Zaloguj" wiki
inurl:"Spezial:Anmelden" wiki

inurl:"title=User:" wiki
inurl:"U%C5%BCytkownik:" wiki
inurl:"User_talk:" wiki
inurl:"Utente:" wiki
inurl:"Utilisateur:" wiki
inurl:"Utilizador:" wiki
inurl:"wiki/index.php?title=" wiki
"There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page."
"what links here" "related changes" "special pages"
"Powered By MediaWiki" inurl:wiki

[MyBB Forum] footprints

"Powered By MyBB"
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"2002 - 2011 MyBB Group"
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"Deutsche ?bersetzung: MyBBoard.de"
Suche Mitglieder Kalender Hilfe Verfasser Nachricht Beitrag "Ein Thema vor"
"Theme created by IncadudeF"
"Homepage" "Contact Details" "Profile of" "Registration Date" "Additional Info About"
"Next Oldest" "Next Newest" Search Calendar Help "View New Posts" "View Today's Posts"

[phpBB Forum] footprints

inurl:profile.php?mode=register "Powered by phpBB"
"Powered by phpBB"
Memberlist Usergroups "Log in to check your private messages"
"Login and Registration Issues" "User Preferences and settings" "Formatting and Topic Types"
"modified by Przemo"
"Style created by PiotreQ9"

[Pingback] footprints

"Leave a Reply" Website
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"Leave a comment" Website
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"Add comment" Website
"Powered by s9y" "add comment"
"Powered by Lifetype" "add comment"
"Allow users to contact you through a message form" "leave a comment"
"Powered by Movable Type" "You may use HTML tags for style"
"powered by pMachine" "Notify me when someone replies to this post"
"powered by Serendipity" "Remember Information?"
"Powered by s9y" "Remember Information?"
"powered by lifetype" -"powered by wordpress" "personal page (if any)"
"powered by flatpress" "Fill out the form below to add" -eliminate -abuses
"powered by dotclear" "HTML code is displayed as text"
"powered by habari" "Add to the Discussion"
"powered by croogo" "Add New comment"
"powered by bloog" "Lascia un Commento"
"The content of this field is kept private" "Switch to plain text editor" -inurl:register
"powered by byteflow" "You can use Markdown here"
"powered by boastmachine" inurl:blog inurl:id -inurl:profile
"powered by Mephisto" "a response" -"are closed for" Email Address Website

[Pligg Social Bookmark] footprints

"Published News" "Upcoming News" "Submit a New Story" Groups "Create a Group"
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inurl:/register upcoming published submit "Tag Cloud" -inurl:.php
inurl:"/register" upcoming published submit
inurl:"/register" upcoming published submit -inurl:.php intitle:"register"
inurl:"/register" upcoming published submit "Tag Cloud"
inurl:"/register.php" "Powered by Pligg"
inurl:"register.php" upcoming published submit
"Email:"  "Lowercase letters only"  "Password:"  "Five character minimum" "Lowercase letters only" "Five character minimum"
"Du hast bereits einen Account? Prima, log dich hier ein!"|"Pligg is an open source content management system that lets you easily create your own social network"

[PunBB Forum] footprints

"powered by PunBB"
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"Postaveno na PunBB"|"Forum oparte o: PunBB"
"Unfortunately no one can be told what PunBB is ? you have to see it for yourself"

[Scuttle Social Bookmark] footprints

"Recent Bookmarks" register "log in" "Recent Tags"
scuttle inurl:"sort=url_asc"
scuttle inurl:"/search.php/all/"
inurl:populartags.php "Popular tags"
"Propulsed by SemanticScuttle"
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[SMF Forum] footprints

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"Powered by Tikiwiki CMS/Groupware"

[Trackback] footprints

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"Trackback" "Dodaj komentarz"
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"Trackback" "Muhokamada qatnashing"
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"Trackbacks" "Deja un comentario"
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[vBulletin Forum] footprints

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[Wordpress Article] footprints

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"There are * published articles and * registered authors"
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"Powered by WordPress + Article Directory plugin"

[Wordpress Directory] footprints

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[XMB Forum] footprints

"Powered by XMB"
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"Top 5 most viewed topics" "Top 5 most replied to topics" "5 Latest Topics"
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"Last Active : Never" "Not logged in [Login - Register]"
"Entwickelt von The XMB Group"




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